Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How the French cook Green Peas

So I was surfing the net last night looking for a new way to cook the peas for dinner.. I came across a French technique... We tested it out and they were absolutely amazing!  Hence why I felt the need to share it with you all, so here goes..

  • Melt one ounce of fresh butter in a saucepan.
  • When it is dissolved without being the least colored, throw in a quart of peas.
  • Shake them over the fire for a minute or two, then pour over them as much boiling water or weak stock as will barely cover them; add half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of pepper, the heart of a lettuce finely shred, 3 young onions, and a small sprig of parsley.
  • Simmer gently until the peas are tender.
  • Take the saucepan from the fire for a minute, and in order to thicken the sauce stir in the well-beaten yolks of 3 eggs.
  • The peas must not boil up after the eggs are added.
  • Serve the peas on a hot dish with the sauce poured over them.
  • Time, half an hour.
  • Sufficient for four or five persons.

  • Enjoy!

    P.S.  Here's the link

    Monday, August 24, 2009


    Oops! sorry guys, forgot to post this pic of my kids harvesting the peas :)


    GREAT news guys!!
    Today I harvested my biggest crop of snow peas and they ALL survived the winter frosts!!! AMAZING!!!!   This leaves me with 2 whole acres worth of peas :D what could be better??
    To top off this wonderful day, the rain has finally come!!  This will encourage the growth of my second crop of peas due next month!
    No words can describe how truly happy I am!!!
    Hope you all had as greater day as I did, Jack

    Sunday, August 23, 2009


    Hey guys,
    Not much to report today... Notice it's 2am..? Such a busy day! Run off our feet with road sales today. The kids came back within 2 hours asking for more peas. My wife and I have been packing since!! Especially for the market in town tomorrow! Will be great to have a day away from the farm. Keen to try these peas I speak so highly of? Drop by Sarytone between 7am and 1pm and I'll give u a sample :)
    Hope you all had a good weekend!

    Friday, August 21, 2009

    Well guys, its that time of day again... Time for me to blog :)
    My 2 daughters and I have just come back from our road sales.  Today we sold 30 bags of peas in 4 hours... Good effort I say!! Shame we didn't package more up as I'm sure we could have sold more.  
    Before I package some up for tomorrow, I had the funniest thing to share with you all.  When I was younger, my nana used to tell me snow peas were green lollies.  This was purely because I refused to eat my vegetables.  It worked as I have eaten snow peas ever since!  Anyway, a lady and her young son pulled up at our stall a few weekeds ago and the mother asked me how much the bags were.  I responded with $4 a bag.  Then the little boy piped up "But mummy, thats 2 bags of lollies we could have for the movies!"  I laughed and bent down and told the little boy what my nana told me all those years ago.. "Don't you know?  Snow peas is just a flash name for green lollies."  The little boys eyes lit up and a huge smile appeared on his face!  I grabbed a pea pod from the counter and said "Here, test them."  After he had eaten them, I asked what he thought of them.  "These are the BEST lollies I've ever had!"  He then proceeded to beg his mother to purchase more than one bag.  3 bags of peas later, the little boy and his mother got back into the car.  The Lady opened the window and said quietly "You're the first person to ever make him go near a vegetable.. You are a saint!"  "No" I replied, "That would be my grandmother."
    Today, the pair came back.  I chuckled as soon as they got out of the car as 3 little boys came running at me screaming "Green lollies!!".  Apparantly, the little boy told all his friends how great these lollies are.  They now all have a favourite vegetable.
    Isn't it funny how we can please young minds??

    Wednesday, August 19, 2009


    Hey guys,

    I've just added a poll to find out how many of you like snow peas.  I'm really interested to know if you're following my site because you like them or someone in your family does or purely for interests sake.  
    Leave me a comment, I'd love to know!
    Don't forget to vote in the poll

    Mange tout

    I just found the most fascinating bit of information while surfing the net looking for good recipes and wanted to share it with you all..
    Did you know, 'Mange tout' is what the French refer to snow peas as.  It translates to 'eat the lot'... Who would have guessed?  No wonder they're so addictive!

    Following up on my recipe hunting, I found a really good snack idea with the snow peas..  serve them raw with hummas or guacamole.  I tested this and it's really good!  I also tried it with some premade dip from the supermarket which was also really good!  
    Next, I'm going to test out some homemade dip

    'watch this space'

    Tuesday, August 18, 2009

    Hey guys,
    Just letting you all know we will be selling our peas on hilra street this friday, saturday and sunday.  At $3 a bag, your grabbing a bargain!  
    Hope to see you there!

    Monday, August 17, 2009


    In reply to 

    Ive had trouble growing my snowpeas. They don't seem to get to a decent size. Do you have any tips that could help me?

    Hi there, in order to get your snowpeas to a larger size, you could try leaving them to grow for longer.  Also, i have found an excellent fertilliser!  Its called: Queens quality.  The name pretty much says it all!  Lastly, do you have your snowpeas in the sun? I have found they grow better in darker ares.  However, don't let them get to wet!  No need to water them unless there is an extreme drought!  

    Hope this helps!


    Hi all,
    Welcome to my blog!  
    I have decided to start a blog relating to snow peas to help me with my garden.  I have liked snow peas my whole life so when I got my own house, I designed a garden for my peas.  Majority of my garden is snow peas!  As well as eating them, my children also sell them on the side of the road on weekends.  Here is a photo of my garden 

    If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask.  More posts soon